Saturday, August 01, 2009

There's a new biker in town

After many years of stressing and hard work, it finally paid off. At almost 12 years of age, Phil can now ride a bike as of yesterday. Both boys never learned to ride. They were always petrified of the thing and traumatized each time we mentionned the dreaded b word : bike, biking, bicycle, bicyclette, bicycle. The word was enough to give them a full-fledged rash.

Little Jéremy next door who is 9 decided it was time for him to learn to ride. On Sunday he came out on the street with his bike. My boys, in in their neighbourly way, encouraged their friend by taking out their own bikes. We did not put pressure on the boys. Every year, there is a big reward if they do learn to ride. It never seemed to motivate them.

Next comes our glorious babysitter who had a plan. As every year, he has tried to teach them with no success. As every year, there is a reward for him if the boys are able to ride at the end of the summer. Phil decided he was going to give riding another try. With the sitter, he practiced a little on Monday and on Tuesday, he was biking around the block!! What is that about? I have no idea but we are so happy for his new skill and earned freedom. Needless to say, it was a huge surprise for the parents when they arrived home from work. A proud moment indeed.

This morning, Phil biked all the way to his grandparent's house. Une grosse surprise pour eux.

Lesson learned :

Never give up.
Never lose hope.
When the time is right, the time is right.
Life is full of surprises.
Que sera sera.


Anonymous said...

Nos enfants savent nous surprendre ...

Bravo Philippe tu es un champion !
À toi la liberté de rouler maintenant, tu vas voir comme c'est beau la vie sur 2 roues.

signé: la blonde à vélo (sans casque pour ne pas décoiffer ses cheveux!)

Cacoune said...

Philippe, je te félicite ! Je lui avais dit à ta mère que ça finirait par arriver ! Je te lève mon casque !
